Most people have at least heard of Kegel’s, exercises for women
designed to strengthen their vaginal muscles. Few realize however that
there is also a version for men. The focus is on learning to control the
PC muscle. This is the collective name given to a group of muscles that
run from the anus to the base of the penis and around. Learning to
control these muscles can be beneficial to any man, but particularly
those suffering from premature ejaculation.
Most men have a difficult time at first learning how to contract and
release their PC muscles. It is actually the same muscles that are used
to stop urination. If a man stops his stream mid-urination, those are
the PC muscles he just used. With practice, and by following a routine
such as the one covered in the Ejaculation Trainer, a man will be able
to develop a stronger PC muscle and have better control over it. It’s
not recommended that you practice using your PC muscles on your own
without the aid of some sort of manual. These aren’t muscles that are
used very frequently and often times are weak, especially in those
suffering from premature ejaculation. There is a good chance of injuring
your body if you attempt to work with the PC muscles in an improper
manner, which would make your problems even worse.
Probably the biggest misconception regarding the PC muscle and
premature ejaculation is how it’s used. Over and over people say it’s to
be used to ‘hold in’ ejaculation. While this may help if you’re about
to go over the top, the main focus should be on how to keep it relaxed.
Mastering relaxing the PC muscle can be very beneficial to men who
suffer from premature ejaculation. During intercourse, most of a man’s
body, including his PC muscle, is tense. This tension increases
sensitivity, leading to higher states of arousal and the loss of
ejaculation control. By relaxing these muscles during intercourse, the
pressure is lessened and arousal goes down.
By learning to control your PC muscle, you will not only be able to
last longer during intercourse, but you will more than likely be able to
orgasm multiple times. Once the PC muscle is strong enough, it will
actually be able to reduce the amount of semen that is released during
orgasm by contracting the muscle as firmly as possible. This will keep
you from climaxing completely and usually within a short period of time
you will be ready to orgasm again. This can be helpful both in regular
intercourse and in those situations where you find yourself climaxing
before you would like. If you can reduce how much you release, you can
keep your arousal level up so that you can continue on long enough to
please your partner.
The Ejaculation Trainer covers absolutely everything about the PC
muscle. It doesn’t just say to squeeze it like every other website or
book. It focuses more on teaching you how to keep it relaxed, and
therefore prevent the PC muscle contractions that lead to ejaculation
and orgasm. This is critical knowledge that is only covered in the Ejaculation Trainer.
How Premature Ejaculation Affects Relationships
Premature ejaculation can certainly take a toll on a relationship.
Whether a couple waits until after marriage or not to be sexual,
intercourse plays a huge role in the success and happiness of a
relationship. Over time, unresolved sexual problems can slowly chip away
at a relationship for both partners.
Effective communication is crucial to a healthy long-lasting relationship, however it can often times be difficult for a man to discuss his premature ejaculation concerns with his partner. There is a lot of unnecessary shame that is associated with the condition and many men think that admitting that they have a problem controlling their arousal means that they are less of a man. Not talking about the problem will actually make things that much worse. Misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and anger can quickly escalate, all of which can make premature ejaculation even worse.
On an evolutionary level, intercourse promotes what scientists call “pair bonding” and it is crucial for a healthy and successful relationship. During sex, and particularly during orgasm, chemicals such as oxytocin and dopamine are released that strengthen the bond between partners. There is an increased feeling of security and trust, as well as an increase in emotional attachment. These bonding emotions are crucial to the strength of a couple. When a man isn’t able to perform as well as he should, both partners not only miss out on these healthy bonding chemicals, but instead are left with negative feelings of inadequacy and disappointment. This can actually make premature ejaculation symptoms even more prominent.
Sometimes premature ejaculation will actually prevent men from pursuing relationships in the first place. The man may actually avoid sexual relationships altogether for fear of rejection or embarrassment. They feel that they can’t adequately satisfy a woman so they just avoid sexual encounters all together. Most men won’t talk about their premature ejaculation, especially with a new partner, so when they do attempt intercourse, the woman often misunderstands why the man can’t perform. Over time avoiding relationships because of premature ejaculation can lead to depression as the man is cutting himself off from other people to avoid his issues.
Men naturally are not apt to discuss any sort of personal problem with anyone else, especially sexual ones. So much of a man’s perception of their masculinity rides on their ability to perform sexually that they don’t want to let anyone know of any performance problems they may be having. If a man is in a relationship however, he has to learn how to talk to his partner. Even men embarking on a new sexual relationship should open up at least a little bit. You don’t have to pour your heart out and tell them every intimate detail about your premature ejaculation, but open up just a little bit. At the same time, their partners need to be patient and understanding. Men in relationships with effective communication often times are better able at resolving their issues than those who cannot talk to their partner.
We recommend using the Ejaculation Trainer to get over premature ejaculation and naturally last longer in bed. This is the most advanced system available for premature ejaculation.
Effective communication is crucial to a healthy long-lasting relationship, however it can often times be difficult for a man to discuss his premature ejaculation concerns with his partner. There is a lot of unnecessary shame that is associated with the condition and many men think that admitting that they have a problem controlling their arousal means that they are less of a man. Not talking about the problem will actually make things that much worse. Misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and anger can quickly escalate, all of which can make premature ejaculation even worse.
On an evolutionary level, intercourse promotes what scientists call “pair bonding” and it is crucial for a healthy and successful relationship. During sex, and particularly during orgasm, chemicals such as oxytocin and dopamine are released that strengthen the bond between partners. There is an increased feeling of security and trust, as well as an increase in emotional attachment. These bonding emotions are crucial to the strength of a couple. When a man isn’t able to perform as well as he should, both partners not only miss out on these healthy bonding chemicals, but instead are left with negative feelings of inadequacy and disappointment. This can actually make premature ejaculation symptoms even more prominent.
Sometimes premature ejaculation will actually prevent men from pursuing relationships in the first place. The man may actually avoid sexual relationships altogether for fear of rejection or embarrassment. They feel that they can’t adequately satisfy a woman so they just avoid sexual encounters all together. Most men won’t talk about their premature ejaculation, especially with a new partner, so when they do attempt intercourse, the woman often misunderstands why the man can’t perform. Over time avoiding relationships because of premature ejaculation can lead to depression as the man is cutting himself off from other people to avoid his issues.
Men naturally are not apt to discuss any sort of personal problem with anyone else, especially sexual ones. So much of a man’s perception of their masculinity rides on their ability to perform sexually that they don’t want to let anyone know of any performance problems they may be having. If a man is in a relationship however, he has to learn how to talk to his partner. Even men embarking on a new sexual relationship should open up at least a little bit. You don’t have to pour your heart out and tell them every intimate detail about your premature ejaculation, but open up just a little bit. At the same time, their partners need to be patient and understanding. Men in relationships with effective communication often times are better able at resolving their issues than those who cannot talk to their partner.
We recommend using the Ejaculation Trainer to get over premature ejaculation and naturally last longer in bed. This is the most advanced system available for premature ejaculation.
How Exercising Helps With Premature Ejaculation
If overall well being and better health weren’t enough motivation to
get you to exercise, how about overcoming your premature ejaculation and
being a better lover? Obviously exercise will help you look and feel
better, giving a major boost to your confidence, but the benefits of
exercise don’t stop there. Working some sort of exercise into your
regular schedule can lead to surprising results in bed.
All of the overall health benefits of exercise can be translated into sexual benefits as well. There have actually been studies that have made a connection between physical inactivity with a lack of ejaculation control. Men who had low levels of physical activities were shown to have less control over their ejaculation and arousal during sex, as well as having less fulfilling sexual experiences. It’s easy to figure out the benefits of cardio on your sex life. It will make your heart stronger, increase you lung capacity, and allow you to keep going longer. Muscular strength actually plays a large part in sex, especially when you venture out from the missionary and cowgirl positions. Flexibility is also useful for the same reason.
Mentally, it’s been shown that increased physical activity will make you happier and calmer as well as increase your sexual desire. When exercising regularly, you will begin to feel better about your body. Being naked in front of your partner can be stressful if you don’t feel good about your body, which increases your stress levels during intercourse, leading to premature ejaculation and a poor performance. Feeling good about your body alleviates that stress, making ejaculation control much easier.
During exercise, levels of serotonin naturally increase. On the other hand, low levels of this hormone have been linked to premature ejaculation. Not only do levels of serotonin naturally increase during exercise, but they don’t go back down afterwards, they stay at an increased level for a substantial period of time. Higher levels of serotonin create a feeling of calmness in your body, and this calm feeling will follow you into the bedroom. Part of the reason for premature ejaculation is the inability to control your arousal, causing you to climax quickly. If you are able to calm your emotions during sex, you will be able to last longer. Understandably, many men who suffer from PE also begin to succumb to depression. Exercise will increase levels of feel-good chemicals like serotonin, which will help lessen depression.
It would also be good to mention at this point that sex is a great way to burn calories. As you begin to get a handle on your premature ejaculation, you will be able to last longer and longer. This will make you healthier, allowing you to last even longer and make intercourse even more enjoyable. Staying active will also help you as you age. Seniors who are physically active have actually reported having the same amount of sex, as well as the same levels of sexual pleasure, as people decades younger than them.
Exercise can play a role in helping with premature ejaculation, but to totally combat the problem it will require quite a bit more. I recommend the Ejaculation Trainer, which is the leading solution available for premature ejaculation. Everything you could possibly know about premature ejaculation and how to overcome it is covered there in great detail.
All of the overall health benefits of exercise can be translated into sexual benefits as well. There have actually been studies that have made a connection between physical inactivity with a lack of ejaculation control. Men who had low levels of physical activities were shown to have less control over their ejaculation and arousal during sex, as well as having less fulfilling sexual experiences. It’s easy to figure out the benefits of cardio on your sex life. It will make your heart stronger, increase you lung capacity, and allow you to keep going longer. Muscular strength actually plays a large part in sex, especially when you venture out from the missionary and cowgirl positions. Flexibility is also useful for the same reason.
Mentally, it’s been shown that increased physical activity will make you happier and calmer as well as increase your sexual desire. When exercising regularly, you will begin to feel better about your body. Being naked in front of your partner can be stressful if you don’t feel good about your body, which increases your stress levels during intercourse, leading to premature ejaculation and a poor performance. Feeling good about your body alleviates that stress, making ejaculation control much easier.
During exercise, levels of serotonin naturally increase. On the other hand, low levels of this hormone have been linked to premature ejaculation. Not only do levels of serotonin naturally increase during exercise, but they don’t go back down afterwards, they stay at an increased level for a substantial period of time. Higher levels of serotonin create a feeling of calmness in your body, and this calm feeling will follow you into the bedroom. Part of the reason for premature ejaculation is the inability to control your arousal, causing you to climax quickly. If you are able to calm your emotions during sex, you will be able to last longer. Understandably, many men who suffer from PE also begin to succumb to depression. Exercise will increase levels of feel-good chemicals like serotonin, which will help lessen depression.
It would also be good to mention at this point that sex is a great way to burn calories. As you begin to get a handle on your premature ejaculation, you will be able to last longer and longer. This will make you healthier, allowing you to last even longer and make intercourse even more enjoyable. Staying active will also help you as you age. Seniors who are physically active have actually reported having the same amount of sex, as well as the same levels of sexual pleasure, as people decades younger than them.
Exercise can play a role in helping with premature ejaculation, but to totally combat the problem it will require quite a bit more. I recommend the Ejaculation Trainer, which is the leading solution available for premature ejaculation. Everything you could possibly know about premature ejaculation and how to overcome it is covered there in great detail.
How Diet Contributes to Premature Ejaculation
It may have never crossed your mind, but what you are eating can have
an effect on how you are performing sexually. Think about it, sex is
really just another form of exercise, albeit much more fun than running.
Just like you wouldn’t expect to perform your best on the field if you
haven’t been eating right, you can’t expect to perform the best you can
in bed either. Just a few simple changes will not only help you last
longer and perform better, but it will also help you in all aspects of
your life.
You know what you have to do. You have to cut back on all those foods that you know are bad for you. Burgers, beer, candy, soda, it all leads to an unhealthy body and an unhealthy body can’t perform to its full potential in bed. These foods leave your body feeling sluggish, you will notice highs and lows as your blood sugar is on a roller coaster, and you will begin to get out of breath doing even simple things like going up a flight of stairs. If you can’t even make it to the bedroom without your heart racing, how do you expect to keep going for any length of time during sex? There have been amazing testimonials from men who have changed their diet and were surprised by the effects that it had on their sexual performance. Not only have these men become better at controlling their ejaculation during intercourse, but they also reported their erections being much firmer. Men were reporting being able to feel their pulse in their erection, something they never experienced before.
There are a number of ways to begin eating healthier. Doing some form of cleanse has become a popular option. Most people go with a colon cleanse. Cleanses rid your body of the toxins and junk that has built up in your body over years of eating fatty, unhealthy food. You have to go beyond a cleanse though, what you put in your body has to change too. A Mediterranean diet has the best guidelines to follow. Fruits and vegetables are the focus of the meals and meats are seen as a side dish. While you start to eat healthy, don’t forget to remember the importance of carbohydrates in your diet. There’s a reason that athletes load of up on carbs before a big game. While you don’t need to “carb up” each time before you have sex, keeping them in your diet and maybe having an extra piece of bread or two if you think you might be getting some a little later on might not be a bad idea. Most importantly, carbs release serotonin into the body, and serotonin plays a key role on when you ejaculate. Since serotonin is created by your body’s digestive system, poor eating habits can be a contributing factor when levels are low.
However you decide to do it, incorporating a healthier diet into your life is extremely important if you want to overcome your premature ejaculation. A healthier body is better able to keep up with the rigors of sex, and you will also just be able to control you erections and your arousal better. Not only that, becoming healthier will make you feel better about your body, and that confidence will translate into your sexual performance.
It may not seem like it so much, but diet really can have a direct effect on when you ejaculate. The Ejaculation Trainer ebook covers everything you need to know to gain permanent control over your ejaculation. It even discusses dieting and how it relates to premature ejaculation, including the foods to eat and the foods to avoid.
You know what you have to do. You have to cut back on all those foods that you know are bad for you. Burgers, beer, candy, soda, it all leads to an unhealthy body and an unhealthy body can’t perform to its full potential in bed. These foods leave your body feeling sluggish, you will notice highs and lows as your blood sugar is on a roller coaster, and you will begin to get out of breath doing even simple things like going up a flight of stairs. If you can’t even make it to the bedroom without your heart racing, how do you expect to keep going for any length of time during sex? There have been amazing testimonials from men who have changed their diet and were surprised by the effects that it had on their sexual performance. Not only have these men become better at controlling their ejaculation during intercourse, but they also reported their erections being much firmer. Men were reporting being able to feel their pulse in their erection, something they never experienced before.
There are a number of ways to begin eating healthier. Doing some form of cleanse has become a popular option. Most people go with a colon cleanse. Cleanses rid your body of the toxins and junk that has built up in your body over years of eating fatty, unhealthy food. You have to go beyond a cleanse though, what you put in your body has to change too. A Mediterranean diet has the best guidelines to follow. Fruits and vegetables are the focus of the meals and meats are seen as a side dish. While you start to eat healthy, don’t forget to remember the importance of carbohydrates in your diet. There’s a reason that athletes load of up on carbs before a big game. While you don’t need to “carb up” each time before you have sex, keeping them in your diet and maybe having an extra piece of bread or two if you think you might be getting some a little later on might not be a bad idea. Most importantly, carbs release serotonin into the body, and serotonin plays a key role on when you ejaculate. Since serotonin is created by your body’s digestive system, poor eating habits can be a contributing factor when levels are low.
However you decide to do it, incorporating a healthier diet into your life is extremely important if you want to overcome your premature ejaculation. A healthier body is better able to keep up with the rigors of sex, and you will also just be able to control you erections and your arousal better. Not only that, becoming healthier will make you feel better about your body, and that confidence will translate into your sexual performance.
It may not seem like it so much, but diet really can have a direct effect on when you ejaculate. The Ejaculation Trainer ebook covers everything you need to know to gain permanent control over your ejaculation. It even discusses dieting and how it relates to premature ejaculation, including the foods to eat and the foods to avoid.
Arousal Control and Premature Ejaculation
Many men who suffer from premature ejaculation have a hard time
believing there is a way to control their arousal. They feel that they
are completely out of control of their bodies, unable to stop the
inevitable. There is a way to overcome the loss of control however, and
it lies in learning what is going on during arousal and how to regain
composure over your body. This is covered in more depth in the Ejaculation Trainer.
Problems with controlling arousal often have their roots in adolescence. During our younger years intercourse and masturbation have to be rushed, usually for fear of getting caught. Over time this will actually train the body to climax as soon as possible regardless of the situation. While this may have proved useful in younger years, it becomes an issue of frustration and embarrassment later on in life. To be able to get past these problems, men need to get their arousal back under control and re-train their body to have a longer ejaculatory threshold.
Some men find that the use of alcohol or prescription medications allows them to last longer, but this is just a short-term solution that masks what the real problem is. The body will also begin to build up a tolerance, making them less effective over time. Then when you quit using them, the problem is even worse than before. It should also be noted that it’s not a good idea in any way to get drunk each time before you have sex. Alcohol consumption should be kept at a minimum. There are also over the counter drugs, creams, and condoms that claim to help men control their arousal and prevent premature ejaculation. While any of these options may prove to be an effective quick fix to premature ejaculation, they aren’t a real solution, they just mask the problem. A man will become dependant on this outside help, when really all he needs to do is rely on himself.
Since the body has been conditioned to climax as quickly as possible, the long-term solution to completely alleviating premature ejaculation is to recondition the body to prolong climax. Often times, when a man is suffering from premature ejaculation, he feels like he is out of control of his body, that he is just a victim to his arousal. That doesn’t have to be the case however. With some basic training and learning some important knowledge, a man can effectively understand how his body responds to arousal, and with this knowledge he will learn to control himself. Learning arousal control allows the man to control himself from the very beginning of a sexual situation. A knowledge of certain techniques is also crucial for those moments where a man can feel himself starting to lose control..
There are a few different programs available for men who want to get to the core of their premature ejaculation. These programs are most effective when they teach a man a number of different ways to understand and control his arousal. Muscle control as well as mental control should be covered. The emergency tactics for those close call situations also should be part of the training program. A well-rounded ejaculation control program will teach men what they need to know so they are no longer a victim to their arousal.
For a complete explanation on how to control arousal and permanently end premature ejaculation, try the Ejaculation Trainer. It’s the most effective ejaculation control program available
Problems with controlling arousal often have their roots in adolescence. During our younger years intercourse and masturbation have to be rushed, usually for fear of getting caught. Over time this will actually train the body to climax as soon as possible regardless of the situation. While this may have proved useful in younger years, it becomes an issue of frustration and embarrassment later on in life. To be able to get past these problems, men need to get their arousal back under control and re-train their body to have a longer ejaculatory threshold.
Some men find that the use of alcohol or prescription medications allows them to last longer, but this is just a short-term solution that masks what the real problem is. The body will also begin to build up a tolerance, making them less effective over time. Then when you quit using them, the problem is even worse than before. It should also be noted that it’s not a good idea in any way to get drunk each time before you have sex. Alcohol consumption should be kept at a minimum. There are also over the counter drugs, creams, and condoms that claim to help men control their arousal and prevent premature ejaculation. While any of these options may prove to be an effective quick fix to premature ejaculation, they aren’t a real solution, they just mask the problem. A man will become dependant on this outside help, when really all he needs to do is rely on himself.
Since the body has been conditioned to climax as quickly as possible, the long-term solution to completely alleviating premature ejaculation is to recondition the body to prolong climax. Often times, when a man is suffering from premature ejaculation, he feels like he is out of control of his body, that he is just a victim to his arousal. That doesn’t have to be the case however. With some basic training and learning some important knowledge, a man can effectively understand how his body responds to arousal, and with this knowledge he will learn to control himself. Learning arousal control allows the man to control himself from the very beginning of a sexual situation. A knowledge of certain techniques is also crucial for those moments where a man can feel himself starting to lose control..
There are a few different programs available for men who want to get to the core of their premature ejaculation. These programs are most effective when they teach a man a number of different ways to understand and control his arousal. Muscle control as well as mental control should be covered. The emergency tactics for those close call situations also should be part of the training program. A well-rounded ejaculation control program will teach men what they need to know so they are no longer a victim to their arousal.
For a complete explanation on how to control arousal and permanently end premature ejaculation, try the Ejaculation Trainer. It’s the most effective ejaculation control program available
Problems With Premature Ejaculation
It’s possible that your husband’s rapid ejaculation has gotten him so
down that he’s withdrawing from sex. If so, that can be easily
remedied. Quite often, when a man gains good ejaculatory control, he
suddenly becomes much more interested in sex. And even if he doesn’t, it
might be nicer for both of you if he lasted longer.
Faced with involuntary ejaculation, most men try to distract themselves during intercourse, believing that by thinking about other things, they can trick themselves into lasting longer. Usually, that only makes things worse.
Don’t tune out your body. TUNE INTO IT. You need to become more familiar with your different levels of sexual arousal. You also need to recognize how you feel as you approach your point of ejaculatory inevitability, the “point of no return.” Once you recognize how you feel close to your point of no return, it’s not difficult to make small sexual adjustments that allow you to remain highly aroused without ejaculating.
Sexual arousal is a four-phase process. In the Excitement Phase, breathing deepens and erection begins. In the Plateau Stage, erection becomes full and you feel highly aroused. When arousal builds to a certain point, the next phase occurs, Orgasm with Ejaculation. Then during the Resolution Phase, breathing returns to normal and erection subsides. The key to ejaculatory control is to extend the Plateau Phase, to maintain arousal without triggering Orgasm and Ejaculation. For more information visit: Enlast
Faced with involuntary ejaculation, most men try to distract themselves during intercourse, believing that by thinking about other things, they can trick themselves into lasting longer. Usually, that only makes things worse.
Don’t tune out your body. TUNE INTO IT. You need to become more familiar with your different levels of sexual arousal. You also need to recognize how you feel as you approach your point of ejaculatory inevitability, the “point of no return.” Once you recognize how you feel close to your point of no return, it’s not difficult to make small sexual adjustments that allow you to remain highly aroused without ejaculating.
Sexual arousal is a four-phase process. In the Excitement Phase, breathing deepens and erection begins. In the Plateau Stage, erection becomes full and you feel highly aroused. When arousal builds to a certain point, the next phase occurs, Orgasm with Ejaculation. Then during the Resolution Phase, breathing returns to normal and erection subsides. The key to ejaculatory control is to extend the Plateau Phase, to maintain arousal without triggering Orgasm and Ejaculation. For more information visit: Enlast
Prevent Premature Ejaculation
Self Distraction to prevent premature ejaculation If your arousal
levels are getting too high and a climax is beginning, take a deep
breath and think about something else, something very boring if
When you are less aroused but maintaining an erection you can then continue. Stop and Start Method for premature ejaculation If you find yourself nearing climax withdraw your penis from your partner and allow yourself to relax enough to prevent ejaculation. By starting and stopping sexual stimulation you can learn to prolong the sex act.
Squeeze Methods can help prevent premature ejaculation. This method involves either the man or his partner squeezing (fairly firmly) the end or the tip of the penis for 10 to 20 seconds when ejaculation is imminent, withholding stimulation for about 30 seconds, then continuing stimulation. This can be repeated until ejaculation is desired. The stop and start method can be used with the squeeze method as well.
Desensitizing Creams for premature ejaculation. Creams can be used to desensitize the end of the penis. They act like a local or tropical anesthetic. Thicker condoms (or two condoms) can also desensitize by decreasing sensitivity and therefore stimulation, thus prolonging the sexual act.
More Foreplay prevents premature ejaculation. Stimulate your partner to a state of high arousal before you have your genitals touched, that way ejaculation and orgasm can be achieved about the same time.
Masturbation to prevent premature ejaculation. Practice different methods by yourself. Getting to know your feelings and sensations gives you the chance to gain confidence.
Remember getting good at sex and overcoming premature ejaculation can take a bit of time. Practice makes perfect. If you find that things are not improving then help is available from sex therapists who are experts in this field. For more information visit: Enlast
When you are less aroused but maintaining an erection you can then continue. Stop and Start Method for premature ejaculation If you find yourself nearing climax withdraw your penis from your partner and allow yourself to relax enough to prevent ejaculation. By starting and stopping sexual stimulation you can learn to prolong the sex act.
Squeeze Methods can help prevent premature ejaculation. This method involves either the man or his partner squeezing (fairly firmly) the end or the tip of the penis for 10 to 20 seconds when ejaculation is imminent, withholding stimulation for about 30 seconds, then continuing stimulation. This can be repeated until ejaculation is desired. The stop and start method can be used with the squeeze method as well.
Desensitizing Creams for premature ejaculation. Creams can be used to desensitize the end of the penis. They act like a local or tropical anesthetic. Thicker condoms (or two condoms) can also desensitize by decreasing sensitivity and therefore stimulation, thus prolonging the sexual act.
More Foreplay prevents premature ejaculation. Stimulate your partner to a state of high arousal before you have your genitals touched, that way ejaculation and orgasm can be achieved about the same time.
Masturbation to prevent premature ejaculation. Practice different methods by yourself. Getting to know your feelings and sensations gives you the chance to gain confidence.
Remember getting good at sex and overcoming premature ejaculation can take a bit of time. Practice makes perfect. If you find that things are not improving then help is available from sex therapists who are experts in this field. For more information visit: Enlast
Understanding Premature Ejaculation
To clarify, a male may reach climax after 8 minutes of sexual intercourse, but this is not premature ejaculation if his partner regularly climaxes in 5 minutes and both are satisfied with the timing. Another male might delay his ejaculation for a maximum of 20 minutes, yet he may consider this premature if his partner, even with foreplay, requires 35 minutes of stimulation before reaching climax. If intercourse is the method of sexual stimulation for the second example and the male climaxes after 20 minutes of intercourse and then loses his erection, satisfying his partner (at least with intercourse), who needs 35 minutes to climax, is impossible.
Because many females are unable to reach climax at all with vaginal intercourse (no matter how prolonged), this situation may actually represent delayed orgasm for the female partner rather than premature ejaculation for the male; the problem can be either or both, depending on the point of view. This highlights the importance of obtaining a thorough sexual history from the patient (and preferably from the couple).
The human sexual response can be divided into 3 phases: desire (libido), excitement (arousal), and orgasm. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) classifies sexual disorders into 4 categories: (1) primary, (2) general medical condition–related, (3) substance-induced, and (4) not otherwise specified. Each of the 4 DSM-IV categories has disorders in all 3 sexual phases.
Premature ejaculation may be primary or secondary. Primary applies to individuals who have had the condition since they became capable of functioning sexually (ie, postpuberty). Secondary indicates that the condition began in an individual who previously experienced an acceptable level of ejaculatory control, and, for unknown reasons, he began experiencing premature ejaculation later in life. With secondary premature ejaculation, the problem does not relate to a general medical disorder, and it is usually not related to substance inducement, although, rarely, hyperexcitability might relate to a psychotropic drug and resolves when the drug is withdrawn. Premature ejaculation fits best into the category of not otherwise specified because no one really knows what causes it, although psychological factors are suggested in most cases.
For more information visit: Enlast
Premature Ejaculation Solution
Premature ejaculation or PE is a sexual dysfunction where a man is
climaxing too early leaving both the man and woman disappointed. It is
an embarrassing problem that can lead to other problems like depression
and relationship problems. It is important to find an effective premature ejaculation solution to improve your sexual performance and save your relationship.
PE is a common sexual dysfunction and fortunately, it is treatable. If you are willing to invest your time and be patient, you can overcome PE. Here are some tips on how to overcome PE:
Premature ejaculation solution #1: Seek professional help. It may be embarrassing to talk about your sexual dysfunction but you have to know that your problem is very common and you are not the first person to seek professional help for PE. Doctors are professionals and trained to handle conditions like yours and you can trust them. Counseling or talking to a sex therapist can also help you in dealing your sexual dysfunction problem.
Premature ejaculation solution #2: Self-help. There are also techniques that you can do on your own to solve your PE problem like teaching your body and brain to control ejaculation using masturbation, wearing condoms to reduce penile sensitivity, choosing the right sex position and squeezing the end of your penis when you are about to orgasm to ease up your arousal and withhold ejaculation. Research or read a lot and you will discover that there are a lot of proven premature ejaculation solutions for you.
Premature ejaculation solution #3: Be patient and invest time for the treatment. PE is a problem that needs time and patience to be solved. You may fail in your first try in treating PE but eventually you will achieve control of your ejaculation. With the right techniques and patience, you can overcome your ejaculation problem.
If you want to know more and get rid of PE naturally, discover the solution and end your embarrassment visit Stop Premature Ejaculation
PE is a common sexual dysfunction and fortunately, it is treatable. If you are willing to invest your time and be patient, you can overcome PE. Here are some tips on how to overcome PE:
Premature ejaculation solution #1: Seek professional help. It may be embarrassing to talk about your sexual dysfunction but you have to know that your problem is very common and you are not the first person to seek professional help for PE. Doctors are professionals and trained to handle conditions like yours and you can trust them. Counseling or talking to a sex therapist can also help you in dealing your sexual dysfunction problem.
Premature ejaculation solution #2: Self-help. There are also techniques that you can do on your own to solve your PE problem like teaching your body and brain to control ejaculation using masturbation, wearing condoms to reduce penile sensitivity, choosing the right sex position and squeezing the end of your penis when you are about to orgasm to ease up your arousal and withhold ejaculation. Research or read a lot and you will discover that there are a lot of proven premature ejaculation solutions for you.
Premature ejaculation solution #3: Be patient and invest time for the treatment. PE is a problem that needs time and patience to be solved. You may fail in your first try in treating PE but eventually you will achieve control of your ejaculation. With the right techniques and patience, you can overcome your ejaculation problem.
If you want to know more and get rid of PE naturally, discover the solution and end your embarrassment visit Stop Premature Ejaculation
Stopping Your Premature Ejaculation – What You Need to Know
It can be very embarrassing not to satisfy your partner in bed
because you ejaculate too early leaving both of you disappointed. Most
men occasionally experience ejaculating too soon but if this is a
regular scenario in your sexual intercourse, then you have a sexual
dysfunction called PE or premature ejaculation. Stopping your premature ejaculation can be very frustrating but with patience and practice you can beat your sexual dysfunction.
PE is a common sexual dysfunction that affects millions of men and this is a very sensitive topic that most men with this problem do not want to discuss. It is hard for men to talk about it but this should not be the case because this problem is treatable and if more men are willing to talk about it and seek help, it would be easier to stop this problem. Stopping your premature ejaculation is not impossible because there are effective ways to get rid of PE to last longer in bed.
If PE is making your sex life miserable, one important thing in stopping your premature ejaculation is to accept that you have a sexual dysfunction and you need help. You will discover that you are not alone and millions of men are suffering from this problem.
In most cases, PE is a psychological problem that men cannot handle the sudden jolt of sensation and ejaculate too soon. Psychotherapy can be very helpful in stopping your premature ejaculation. Talking with a therapist or a mental health provider can help you in controlling your ejaculation. You will learn how to cope with stress and anxiety which are two factors that affects the occurrence of PE.
It will be helpful to experiment on different sex position to know which position gives you the intense sensation and which sex position gives you more control on your ejaculation. If you want to last in bed, avoid the position that will encourage early ejaculation and explore on the position that will give you better control.
Creams and medications can also help you in stopping your premature ejaculation but of course you have to be aware that they have their side effects like reduced genital sensitivity that makes sex less pleasurable that is why some men are looking for natural remedies.
Stopping your premature ejaculation is easier if you can find a treatment that will work for you. If you want to get rid of PE using natural method, visit Conquer Premature Ejaculation
PE is a common sexual dysfunction that affects millions of men and this is a very sensitive topic that most men with this problem do not want to discuss. It is hard for men to talk about it but this should not be the case because this problem is treatable and if more men are willing to talk about it and seek help, it would be easier to stop this problem. Stopping your premature ejaculation is not impossible because there are effective ways to get rid of PE to last longer in bed.
If PE is making your sex life miserable, one important thing in stopping your premature ejaculation is to accept that you have a sexual dysfunction and you need help. You will discover that you are not alone and millions of men are suffering from this problem.
In most cases, PE is a psychological problem that men cannot handle the sudden jolt of sensation and ejaculate too soon. Psychotherapy can be very helpful in stopping your premature ejaculation. Talking with a therapist or a mental health provider can help you in controlling your ejaculation. You will learn how to cope with stress and anxiety which are two factors that affects the occurrence of PE.
It will be helpful to experiment on different sex position to know which position gives you the intense sensation and which sex position gives you more control on your ejaculation. If you want to last in bed, avoid the position that will encourage early ejaculation and explore on the position that will give you better control.
Creams and medications can also help you in stopping your premature ejaculation but of course you have to be aware that they have their side effects like reduced genital sensitivity that makes sex less pleasurable that is why some men are looking for natural remedies.
Stopping your premature ejaculation is easier if you can find a treatment that will work for you. If you want to get rid of PE using natural method, visit Conquer Premature Ejaculation
Tips in Overcoming Premature Ejaculation
It is an embarrassing and frustrating experience to ejaculate too
early before you and your partner wish it to happen. It happens to most
men at any point in their lives and in most cases it is not a problem
but if you are suffering from recurring ejaculation problem, it is a
sexual dysfunction that needs to be solved. Overcoming premature ejaculation is important if you want to keep a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship with your partner.
Suffering from PE or Premature Ejaculation can be very frustrating and can make you feel inadequate in giving your woman the pleasure she deserves. Fortunately, there are treatments to help you get rid of PE.
Here are some tips in overcoming premature ejaculation:
Medications. There are prescription medicines and creams that can help you last longer in bed and prevent ejaculating too soon but it is important to ask the advice of your doctor before taking any medication and discuss about the possible side effects. Overcoming premature ejaculation is important but you also have to be careful before taking any medication.
Practice controlling your ejaculation through masturbation. Years of quick masturbation have trained your body and mind to ejaculate too soon and now you need to correct this acquired wrong habit. Practice through masturbation and learn how to manipulate your body and brain to achieve control over your ejaculation. It maybe hard at first but with patience and practice you can overcome PE and learn to control your ejaculation.
Do not think about your ejaculation problem too much. In most cases, PE is a psychological problem that you cannot control and handle intense feelings or arousal that you ejaculate prematurely. The stress and pressure of thinking not to ejaculate too soon and the fear of disappointing your partner can affect your sexual stamina and performance. Do not focus on your own orgasm and what is happening to you but divert your focus to her. Overcoming premature ejaculation is easier if you will not think more about it.
Suffering from any form of sexual dysfunction can make you feel like less of a man and can affect your confidence
If you want to end your embarrassment and last longer in bed discover more proven ways of overcoming premature ejaculation, visit Conquer Premature Ejaculation
Suffering from PE or Premature Ejaculation can be very frustrating and can make you feel inadequate in giving your woman the pleasure she deserves. Fortunately, there are treatments to help you get rid of PE.
Here are some tips in overcoming premature ejaculation:
Medications. There are prescription medicines and creams that can help you last longer in bed and prevent ejaculating too soon but it is important to ask the advice of your doctor before taking any medication and discuss about the possible side effects. Overcoming premature ejaculation is important but you also have to be careful before taking any medication.
Practice controlling your ejaculation through masturbation. Years of quick masturbation have trained your body and mind to ejaculate too soon and now you need to correct this acquired wrong habit. Practice through masturbation and learn how to manipulate your body and brain to achieve control over your ejaculation. It maybe hard at first but with patience and practice you can overcome PE and learn to control your ejaculation.
Do not think about your ejaculation problem too much. In most cases, PE is a psychological problem that you cannot control and handle intense feelings or arousal that you ejaculate prematurely. The stress and pressure of thinking not to ejaculate too soon and the fear of disappointing your partner can affect your sexual stamina and performance. Do not focus on your own orgasm and what is happening to you but divert your focus to her. Overcoming premature ejaculation is easier if you will not think more about it.
Suffering from any form of sexual dysfunction can make you feel like less of a man and can affect your confidence
If you want to end your embarrassment and last longer in bed discover more proven ways of overcoming premature ejaculation, visit Conquer Premature Ejaculation
Defeat Recurring Premature Ejaculation
Premature ejaculation or PE is a common sexual dysfunction of men. It
is a very sensitive issue and most men are not open to talk about it.
This should not be the case because there are treatments available to defeat recurring premature ejaculation
and if men are willing to talk about it they will learn that they are
not alone in their battle against this disturbing sexual dysfunction.
PE is a treatable condition as long as the sufferer is willing to get help and has the patience to devote his time and efforts to follow the treatment. Here are some tips on how to defeat recurring premature ejaculation:
Learn more about your body and its sensitivity during sexual intercourse. You have to know what part of your penis feels the most sensation and pleasure that brings you to orgasm. It is also helpful to know what kind of stimulation brings you to the point of no return. Knowing the different sensation in your penis and the kind of stimulation that brings you closer to climax are important to prevent climaxing too early. You have to know you own body, its level of sensitivity and you have to learn how to be comfortable with your feelings and emotions to last longer in bed and defeat recurring premature ejaculation.
Breathing techniques. Holding your breath is not good if you want to last longer in bed. Breathing properly can help you get relaxed and ease up your arousal preventing you to ejaculate too soon. Slow down and breathe deeply to defeat recurring premature ejaculation problem.
Use the right sex position. It is important to know which sex position gives you the most intense sensation and which sex position gives the least sensation. By experimenting on different position you will know what position to avoid and what position gives you more ejaculatory control. If you want to defeat recurring premature ejaculation, it is important to use the right sex position.
It maybe hard to defeat recurring ejaculation at first but with determination and patience, you will eventually learn to control your ejaculation. If you want to last longer and want to discover more techniques in eliminating premature ejaculation, visit Conquer Premature Ejaculation.
PE is a treatable condition as long as the sufferer is willing to get help and has the patience to devote his time and efforts to follow the treatment. Here are some tips on how to defeat recurring premature ejaculation:
Learn more about your body and its sensitivity during sexual intercourse. You have to know what part of your penis feels the most sensation and pleasure that brings you to orgasm. It is also helpful to know what kind of stimulation brings you to the point of no return. Knowing the different sensation in your penis and the kind of stimulation that brings you closer to climax are important to prevent climaxing too early. You have to know you own body, its level of sensitivity and you have to learn how to be comfortable with your feelings and emotions to last longer in bed and defeat recurring premature ejaculation.
Breathing techniques. Holding your breath is not good if you want to last longer in bed. Breathing properly can help you get relaxed and ease up your arousal preventing you to ejaculate too soon. Slow down and breathe deeply to defeat recurring premature ejaculation problem.
Use the right sex position. It is important to know which sex position gives you the most intense sensation and which sex position gives the least sensation. By experimenting on different position you will know what position to avoid and what position gives you more ejaculatory control. If you want to defeat recurring premature ejaculation, it is important to use the right sex position.
It maybe hard to defeat recurring ejaculation at first but with determination and patience, you will eventually learn to control your ejaculation. If you want to last longer and want to discover more techniques in eliminating premature ejaculation, visit Conquer Premature Ejaculation.
Eliminating Your Premature Ejaculation – What Men Ought to Know
Premature ejaculation (PE) is a condition where a man reaches orgasm
too early than he or his partner wishes him to do so. It can be very
humiliating and frustrating to see the disappointment in her eyes. This
problem makes you feel like less of a man and it can also affect your
confidence during sexual activity. Eliminating your premature ejaculation is important to bring back your confidence and to give her the pleasure she deserves.
Here are some tips in eliminating your premature ejaculation:
Desensitizing cream. This is the common treatment for your ejaculation problem because it can help you increase control over your ejaculation. Desensitizing cream numbs the penis reducing its sensation during sexual intercourse to help you last longer in bed. One common complain of men about this method is that sex is less pleasurable because of the slight loss of genital sensation. Although this treatment is not a permanent cure, it can help in eliminating your premature ejaculation problem temporarily during intercourse.
Overcome the psychological aspect of this sexual dysfunction. In most cases, PE is a psychological problem that your mind cannot handle your intense emotions and you cannot control your ejaculation. Stress and emotional problems are two contributing factors in the occurrence of PE. To prevent ejaculating too soon during intercourse, you have to learn how to deal with your emotional problems and stress. Counseling and talking with a sex therapist can be very helpful.
PE is the most common sexual dysfunction and it can ruin your sexual relationship if not treated. Although it is hard for men to talk about this sensitive problem, you have to know that you are not alone and there are treatments available for you. In eliminating your premature ejaculation, you have to find a treatment that will work for you. Last longer in bed and get rid of the embarrassment visit Conquer Premature Ejaculation
Here are some tips in eliminating your premature ejaculation:
Desensitizing cream. This is the common treatment for your ejaculation problem because it can help you increase control over your ejaculation. Desensitizing cream numbs the penis reducing its sensation during sexual intercourse to help you last longer in bed. One common complain of men about this method is that sex is less pleasurable because of the slight loss of genital sensation. Although this treatment is not a permanent cure, it can help in eliminating your premature ejaculation problem temporarily during intercourse.
Overcome the psychological aspect of this sexual dysfunction. In most cases, PE is a psychological problem that your mind cannot handle your intense emotions and you cannot control your ejaculation. Stress and emotional problems are two contributing factors in the occurrence of PE. To prevent ejaculating too soon during intercourse, you have to learn how to deal with your emotional problems and stress. Counseling and talking with a sex therapist can be very helpful.
PE is the most common sexual dysfunction and it can ruin your sexual relationship if not treated. Although it is hard for men to talk about this sensitive problem, you have to know that you are not alone and there are treatments available for you. In eliminating your premature ejaculation, you have to find a treatment that will work for you. Last longer in bed and get rid of the embarrassment visit Conquer Premature Ejaculation
Discover How to Avoid Ejaculating Too Soon and Last Longer
It can be very embarrassing if your sexual intercourse suddenly comes
to an end because of your premature ejaculation (PE) problem leaving
you and your partner dissatisfied. It is a very distressing situation to
encounter problems with your sexual performance. PE is a problem where a
man ejaculates too early during sexual intercourse leaving both man and
woman dissatisfied. To improve your sexual performance and to give her
the pleasure she deserves, it is important to learn how to avoid ejaculating too soon and last longer in bed.
Sexual dissatisfaction can lead to relationship problems. PE is a problem that can hurt your self-esteem resulting to lack of confidence during lovemaking. The look of disappointed in the eyes and facial expression of your partner is hard to bear and can put any man in so much despair. Discover how to avoid ejaculating too soon and improve your sexual performance before your premature ejaculation problem ruin your relationship.
Here are some tips on how to avoid ejaculating too soon:
Premature ejaculation pills, creams and sprays. Search the internet and you will see tons of products and medicines designed to help you avoid ejaculating too soon during lovemaking. Premature ejaculation is a serious problem that is why most men are looking for an effective product to help them get rid of it. Some people find success in using pills, creams and sprays. The downside of this treatment is the side effects that sufferers may encounter like lack of genital sensitivity during intercourse.
Avoid thinking and worrying about your orgasm. Focus on her and not on your own orgasm because the more you think about it the higher the chance that you will ejaculate faster. You can avoid ejaculating too soon if you will focus more on what is happening with her than what is happening with you.
Train yourself how to stop and start again. Most men learned to ejaculate faster through years of quick masturbation. Remember your adolescent years when you start to ejaculate fast because it is so embarrassing to get caught? Yes, those years of quick masturbation have trained your body and mind to ejaculate fast and now you are having problems on how to last longer. Fortunately you can unlearn it and you can teach yourself to avoid ejaculating too soon and last longer. Now whenever you masturbate, train yourself to stop when you are about to ejaculate and let the urge to orgasm go away then start again. With practice you will eventually learn to control your ejaculation and last longer in bed.
In most cases, premature ejaculation is a psychological problem and you can train yourself to last longer using the right techniques. Discover more about the proven techniques to avoid ejaculating too soon, visit Conquer Premature Ejaculation
Sexual dissatisfaction can lead to relationship problems. PE is a problem that can hurt your self-esteem resulting to lack of confidence during lovemaking. The look of disappointed in the eyes and facial expression of your partner is hard to bear and can put any man in so much despair. Discover how to avoid ejaculating too soon and improve your sexual performance before your premature ejaculation problem ruin your relationship.
Here are some tips on how to avoid ejaculating too soon:
Premature ejaculation pills, creams and sprays. Search the internet and you will see tons of products and medicines designed to help you avoid ejaculating too soon during lovemaking. Premature ejaculation is a serious problem that is why most men are looking for an effective product to help them get rid of it. Some people find success in using pills, creams and sprays. The downside of this treatment is the side effects that sufferers may encounter like lack of genital sensitivity during intercourse.
Avoid thinking and worrying about your orgasm. Focus on her and not on your own orgasm because the more you think about it the higher the chance that you will ejaculate faster. You can avoid ejaculating too soon if you will focus more on what is happening with her than what is happening with you.
Train yourself how to stop and start again. Most men learned to ejaculate faster through years of quick masturbation. Remember your adolescent years when you start to ejaculate fast because it is so embarrassing to get caught? Yes, those years of quick masturbation have trained your body and mind to ejaculate fast and now you are having problems on how to last longer. Fortunately you can unlearn it and you can teach yourself to avoid ejaculating too soon and last longer. Now whenever you masturbate, train yourself to stop when you are about to ejaculate and let the urge to orgasm go away then start again. With practice you will eventually learn to control your ejaculation and last longer in bed.
In most cases, premature ejaculation is a psychological problem and you can train yourself to last longer using the right techniques. Discover more about the proven techniques to avoid ejaculating too soon, visit Conquer Premature Ejaculation
Tips in Conquering Premature Ejaculation
It is normal for men to experience ejaculating too soon during sexual
intercourse at some point in their lives but the problem begins if it
becomes a regular occurrence. Suffering from premature ejaculation or PE
can be very embarrassing, frustrating and distressing. This problem can
damage your self confidence resulting to low self-esteem. Conquering premature ejaculation is important to restore your self confidence.
Here are some tips in conquering premature ejaculation:
Medications. Topical creams and antidepressants are used to delay ejaculation and can make you last longer in bed. But the downside of this is that medications have its side effects. There are reports that some men who use topical creams are not satisfied with their sexual activities due to reduced genital sensitivity. Those who are taking antidepressant medicines to delay ejaculation may experience nausea and drowsiness. It is best to consult your doctor before taking any medication in conquering premature ejaculation.
The squeeze procedure. This method requires the cooperation of your sexual partner. When you are about to ejaculate during your sexual intercourse, you or your partner should squeeze for a few seconds the end of the penis, the part where the penis glans and shaft meets. After doing so, pause for about 30 seconds then continue the sexual stimulation. This method can be repeated until the man is ready to ejaculate and reach orgasm.
Counseling. This method involves talking to a therapist. It will be helpful to open up and talk about your problem. In most cases, PE is a psychological problem and a therapist can help you deal with your sexual performance problem. Stress and depression can affect your sexual performance and in conquering premature ejaculation, you have to learn how to deal with your negative emotions.
With patience and the right techniques, conquering premature ejaculation is not that hard. Discover more proven techniques in eliminating PE and end your pain and embarrassment for good. Visit The Ejaculation Trainer
Here are some tips in conquering premature ejaculation:
Medications. Topical creams and antidepressants are used to delay ejaculation and can make you last longer in bed. But the downside of this is that medications have its side effects. There are reports that some men who use topical creams are not satisfied with their sexual activities due to reduced genital sensitivity. Those who are taking antidepressant medicines to delay ejaculation may experience nausea and drowsiness. It is best to consult your doctor before taking any medication in conquering premature ejaculation.
The squeeze procedure. This method requires the cooperation of your sexual partner. When you are about to ejaculate during your sexual intercourse, you or your partner should squeeze for a few seconds the end of the penis, the part where the penis glans and shaft meets. After doing so, pause for about 30 seconds then continue the sexual stimulation. This method can be repeated until the man is ready to ejaculate and reach orgasm.
Counseling. This method involves talking to a therapist. It will be helpful to open up and talk about your problem. In most cases, PE is a psychological problem and a therapist can help you deal with your sexual performance problem. Stress and depression can affect your sexual performance and in conquering premature ejaculation, you have to learn how to deal with your negative emotions.
With patience and the right techniques, conquering premature ejaculation is not that hard. Discover more proven techniques in eliminating PE and end your pain and embarrassment for good. Visit The Ejaculation Trainer
Avoiding Premature Ejaculation – What Men Should Know
There is nothing more frustrating and humiliating than leaving your
partner disappointed because you ejaculate too soon during sexual
intercourse. Premature ejaculation or PE is a problem where a man
reaches orgasm too early and the intercourse suddenly comes to an end
leaving both the man and woman frustrated. If lovemaking is often a
frustration and you cannot last longer to satisfy your partner, then you
have to do something to learn the art of avoiding premature ejaculation.
In most cases, PE is a mental or psychological problem where you get too excited and you cannot control your emotions that you suddenly get aroused and ejaculate in the first few minutes of sexual intercourse. Researches stated that a person with PE ejaculates within two minutes of the sexual intercourse. It should not be a problem if it occurs occasionally but if you are experiencing PE in almost all of your sexual encounters; it is a big problem that needs a solution. Here are some tips to avoid PE:
Manage or avoid stress. Anxiety and stress is not only harmful to your overall health but it can also affect your sexual performance. If you are not emotionally stable and under a lot of stress, you cannot concentrate during sexual activities and may experience frequent PE. In avoiding premature ejaculation, it is important to learn how to manage or eliminate the stress in your life.
Be positive and avoid negative feelings. Although frequent PE can result to frustrations, depression and lack of confidence, you need to learn how to overcome those negative feelings. In avoiding premature ejaculation you have to create a positive attitude. If you can control your negative feelings, you will eventually learn to control your emotions and excitement during intercourse to last longer.
Avoiding premature ejaculation can be very difficult at first but with patience and the right techniques you will eventually learn to last longer in bed. To discover more techniques in conquering PE, visit Conquer Premature Ejaculation.
In most cases, PE is a mental or psychological problem where you get too excited and you cannot control your emotions that you suddenly get aroused and ejaculate in the first few minutes of sexual intercourse. Researches stated that a person with PE ejaculates within two minutes of the sexual intercourse. It should not be a problem if it occurs occasionally but if you are experiencing PE in almost all of your sexual encounters; it is a big problem that needs a solution. Here are some tips to avoid PE:
Manage or avoid stress. Anxiety and stress is not only harmful to your overall health but it can also affect your sexual performance. If you are not emotionally stable and under a lot of stress, you cannot concentrate during sexual activities and may experience frequent PE. In avoiding premature ejaculation, it is important to learn how to manage or eliminate the stress in your life.
Be positive and avoid negative feelings. Although frequent PE can result to frustrations, depression and lack of confidence, you need to learn how to overcome those negative feelings. In avoiding premature ejaculation you have to create a positive attitude. If you can control your negative feelings, you will eventually learn to control your emotions and excitement during intercourse to last longer.
Avoiding premature ejaculation can be very difficult at first but with patience and the right techniques you will eventually learn to last longer in bed. To discover more techniques in conquering PE, visit Conquer Premature Ejaculation.
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