Most people have at least heard of Kegel’s, exercises for women
designed to strengthen their vaginal muscles. Few realize however that
there is also a version for men. The focus is on learning to control the
PC muscle. This is the collective name given to a group of muscles that
run from the anus to the base of the penis and around. Learning to
control these muscles can be beneficial to any man, but particularly
those suffering from premature ejaculation.
Most men have a difficult time at first learning how to contract and
release their PC muscles. It is actually the same muscles that are used
to stop urination. If a man stops his stream mid-urination, those are
the PC muscles he just used. With practice, and by following a routine
such as the one covered in the Ejaculation Trainer, a man will be able
to develop a stronger PC muscle and have better control over it. It’s
not recommended that you practice using your PC muscles on your own
without the aid of some sort of manual. These aren’t muscles that are
used very frequently and often times are weak, especially in those
suffering from premature ejaculation. There is a good chance of injuring
your body if you attempt to work with the PC muscles in an improper
manner, which would make your problems even worse.
Probably the biggest misconception regarding the PC muscle and
premature ejaculation is how it’s used. Over and over people say it’s to
be used to ‘hold in’ ejaculation. While this may help if you’re about
to go over the top, the main focus should be on how to keep it relaxed.
Mastering relaxing the PC muscle can be very beneficial to men who
suffer from premature ejaculation. During intercourse, most of a man’s
body, including his PC muscle, is tense. This tension increases
sensitivity, leading to higher states of arousal and the loss of
ejaculation control. By relaxing these muscles during intercourse, the
pressure is lessened and arousal goes down.
By learning to control your PC muscle, you will not only be able to
last longer during intercourse, but you will more than likely be able to
orgasm multiple times. Once the PC muscle is strong enough, it will
actually be able to reduce the amount of semen that is released during
orgasm by contracting the muscle as firmly as possible. This will keep
you from climaxing completely and usually within a short period of time
you will be ready to orgasm again. This can be helpful both in regular
intercourse and in those situations where you find yourself climaxing
before you would like. If you can reduce how much you release, you can
keep your arousal level up so that you can continue on long enough to
please your partner.
The Ejaculation Trainer covers absolutely everything about the PC
muscle. It doesn’t just say to squeeze it like every other website or
book. It focuses more on teaching you how to keep it relaxed, and
therefore prevent the PC muscle contractions that lead to ejaculation
and orgasm. This is critical knowledge that is only covered in the Ejaculation Trainer.