Eliminating Your Premature Ejaculation – What Men Ought to Know

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a condition where a man reaches orgasm too early than he or his partner wishes him to do so. It can be very humiliating and frustrating to see the disappointment in her eyes. This problem makes you feel like less of a man and it can also affect your confidence during sexual activity. Eliminating your premature ejaculation is important to bring back your confidence and to give her the pleasure she deserves.

Here are some tips in eliminating your premature ejaculation:

Desensitizing cream. This is the common treatment for your ejaculation problem because it can help you increase control over your ejaculation. Desensitizing cream numbs the penis reducing its sensation during sexual intercourse to help you last longer in bed. One common complain of men about this method is that sex is less pleasurable because of the slight loss of genital sensation. Although this treatment is not a permanent cure, it can help in eliminating your premature ejaculation problem temporarily during intercourse.

Overcome the psychological aspect of this sexual dysfunction. In most cases, PE is a psychological problem that your mind cannot handle your intense emotions and you cannot control your ejaculation. Stress and emotional problems are two contributing factors in the occurrence of PE. To prevent ejaculating too soon during intercourse, you have to learn how to deal with your emotional problems and stress. Counseling and talking with a sex therapist can be very helpful.

PE is the most common sexual dysfunction and it can ruin your sexual relationship if not treated. Although it is hard for men to talk about this sensitive problem, you have to know that you are not alone and there are treatments available for you. In eliminating your premature ejaculation, you have to find a treatment that will work for you. Last longer in bed and get rid of the embarrassment visit Conquer Premature Ejaculation